Keeping up to date with how we’re performing in the areas that matter most to you.
We’ve now published our quarter two performance measures to give you the most up to date information on how we’re performing against eight key performance areas. These areas were identified by a small resident project group who worked with us to identify the most important performance areas to regularly publish.
We asked you to get in touch if you had any questions about our performance data. Since we published the quarter one figures we’ve received two queries that we’ve summarised and answered below.
You asked | Our response |
Why isn’t resident satisfaction with cleaning included in the statistics? |
The statistics we report on were identified by a resident project group who worked with us to identify the most important performance areas to regularly publish. Satisfaction with cleaning services wasn’t identified by this group but we will bring this suggestion back to them for consideration. We do gather this information during regular estate inspections undertaken by staff to monitor the service. This is then shared weekly with contractors to address specific issues raised or give positive feedback to the operatives undertaking the work when due. We are also very keen to hear what you as residents think of the service provided. You can do this by submitting a cleaning inspection or gardening inspection for the service you receive (you should also be able to find these documents from QR codes on the noticeboard within your building). Your feedback will be used in the same way, to either raise an issue with the contractor or share a compliment with the operative. As you may be aware we are about to enter new contracts for cleaning and gardening with a wider range of contractors following a full procurement process. These new contracts are based on improved cleaning and gardening specifications which were developed using your feedback. We would like to take this opportunity to thank residents who took part in past surveys which have helped us to shape our future services, and particularly those residents who more recently worked with us very closely during the tender process. |
In quarter one the figure for overall fire risk compliance was just 73%, which is way below your KPI. With fire being a major cause of damage and death, why is it not like the water safety compliance figure of 100%? |
The overall fire risk compliance position is stated as the percentage of buildings managed by us that have an in-date fire risk action (FRA) document and no overdue actions. At the end of September 2024, 75.7% of buildings had an in-date FRA and no overdue FRA actions, an increase of 2.7 percentage points compared to the end of June 2024. It is worth noting that all Notting Hill Genesis managed buildings that require an FRA had an in-date fire risk assessment both at the end of June and at the end of September 2024. Addressing the actions that arise as a result of an FRA is our greatest challenge. We have a plan, that we have shared with the board and chair, as well as the regulator, to address our overdue FRA actions. We are taking a risk-based approach to ensure that the highest priority actions in our highest risk buildings are addressed most quickly. We are on track to reduce our higher priority overdue actions in line with that plan. We have marginally missed our August and September targets for reducing the total number of overdue FRA actions. We were 1.9% over our target in August (42 actions) and 1.5% over our target in September (31 actions). While the target will always be to achieve 100% compliance, neither we nor our FRA consultants, Savills, think that this can realistically be achieved. With every action that is completed, whether in date or overdue, we reduce the risk to our residents. Our plan forecasts the number of overdue FRA actions to reduce by around 50% compared to the number currently overdue. This is likely to result in the overall compliance position increasing to around 85%. |
Remember you can ask any questions you have about our performance data via the form on the performance measures page on our website.