A home provides the basis for a stable and healthy society, but London’s housing crisis means that for too many Londoners, a home is out of reach.

We’re a not-for-profit organisation with a focus on providing quality homes at below-market rents for people who would otherwise struggle to afford them. We are both a landlord and a developer, with more than 60,000 existing homes and 8,000 more in our pipeline, and a well-established commercial business from which we reinvest surpluses to support the provision of below market-rent homes across the capital.

Founded in the 1960s to address slum conditions in West London, we’re now one of London’s largest charitable housing associations and a leading advocate and trusted partner to local councils and government, giving Londoners a base and community from which to achieve their potential.

We're on a mission

Powered by half a billion pounds of investment through our Better Together strategy, we’re on a mission to improve how we deliver even better-quality homes, connections and places for our 130,000 existing residents, while continuing to build and develop new and more affordable homes, so that more people can continue to make London home.

Our vision and values

Reinvesting surplus for purpose

The businesses that make up the Notting Hill Genesis are empowered to be self-sufficient and run their own affairs. Making our own money gives us the freedom to be entrepreneurial so we can innovate and make improvements for you.

While some of our businesses make more money than others, we reinvest all the profit from our commercial activities to improving existing homes and services and developing additional housing to meet the needs of more people in London. We all work with one common goal – to provide homes that are affordable, comfortable to live in and well-maintained.

Our strategy

Working better together to improve the entirety of your experience
– the services you receive from us, the quality of your home and the place in which you live

To reconnect more fully with our residents and address their legitimate concerns, we need to get closer to them. We need to listen actively and empathetically and see our services from their point of view.

We want all our residents to have a safe, warm, comfortable home where they can enjoy life. We need to make improvements of one sort or another to the majority of our homes.

A sense of community plays a crucial role in our residents’ overall experience. We will manage our estates in a holistic, tenure blind way that meets the needs of the residents and local community.