Throughout the year residents will have the opportunity to get involved in task and finish projects to scrutinise different services we provide.

Task and finish projects may run for any time between 6 months to 2 years looking at areas such as our work on sustainability or damp and mould. We also offer residents the chance to take part in appointing some of our contractors which involve scoring and moderating tender submissions and meeting potential suppliers.

To find out more about any of these groups, any availability to join or recruitment opportunities, please get in touch below.

Involvement recognition 

We welcome resident involvement and reward contributions through yearly prize draws, events, vouchers and more. Read our Resident Involvement Reward and Recognition policy for full details on how we recognise resident engagement.

Resident Involvement Meeting 1

Want to get involved?

Consent for storing submitted data *

Ways to get involved

Resident Involvement Tour

Improve your community

From forming a Residents’ Association to taking part in an estate inspection or rating the quality of your cleaning and gardening contractors, or if you live in a street property, there are many ways in which you can give feedback and improve your community and neighbourhoods.
Resident Scrutiny Panel

Take part in short consultations

Residents can also take part in one-off activities. This is a flexible opportunity for residents to have their say and help improve services without necessarily committing to attending regular meetings. Often this can be done remotely over email, by survey or for those without access to digital services, we can work with individuals to support them to get involved.
Resident Involvement Tour 2

Resident forum and governance committees

Support the resident voice by joining our oversight group or one of our governance committees.