Our meet the supplier event

28 Mar 2024

Meet the suppliers event

We recently held a planned investment event to meet our suppliers.

We invited all residents who are receiving replacement kitchens and bathrooms or work to their building this year to an event at our offices to meet the contractors who will be carrying out the work. Eighty residents came along to meet our five contractors and learn more about our planned programme and how we will be delivering works.

Residents gained insight into our contractor selection process and learned more about their building's inclusion in the improvement programme. We shared information about how our contracts deliver social value to our communities and an example of some of our homes where work has been carried out recently.

Contractors at the event were able to answer resident questions about the work planned, with one contractor even setting up some kitchen units to showcase what is on offer.

Though residents who came along found it useful, lots of other residents were unable to attend so we’ve put together the video below to share the presentation of the event along with some frequently asked questions.

We will be going back to residents to hear about their experiences once work is complete to ensure we have a full understanding of where the programme works and what changes are necessary to deliver it better in future.

If you’d like to get more involved in shaping the services we offer, keep an eye on the resident involvement page on our website. We’ve added an upcoming opportunities section so you can easily see what’s coming up.