Next steps 

Our sustainability strategy will continue to evolve with the changing risks, opportunities, and the needs of communities in which we work.

Our next step is to develop a series of detailed action and delivery plans – working with key staff across our organisation, and in some instances, residents too. This will include the development of a monitoring and reporting framework to evaluate progress and impact of actions we will be taking. We want to be able to publish our progress annually, through our Environmental, Social and Governance report.

We recognise we cannot deliver the scale and pace of action needed without the strong support and participation of our residents, staff, supply chain and key partners. In addition, we know many of our residents, staff and suppliers and already taking steps through their work or in their personal lives to tackle environmental and social challenges facing our world – and for many areas in our strategy we will not be starting from scratch.

Recognising this, we’ve set out some more next steps for everyone to get involved in the delivering our future vision for a sustainable Notting Hill Genesis.

During our engagement activities, our residents set us several challenges: to provide expertise and lead the way in transforming our homes and green spaces, to involve residents at a local level in ways that are meaningful to them, and to work in partnership with local organisations, including councils to collectively solve and scale up solutions.

Considering this, we will be reviewing how we engage residents in improving the energy performance of our homes, and green spaces – and we’ll continue to advertise any opportunities to help NHG develop its approach in these areas via our resident Connections magazine and email.

Energy crisis – we know many of our residents will be concerned about paying heating bills this winter. Despite the government’s recently announced support for households – energy bills will remain higher than in previous years. For information on support and advice that is available to residents, you can visit our cost of living support section.

We recognise that our corporate impact on environmental issues such as waste, is dwarfed by that our of suppliers, so we need to work with the supply chain to reduce environmental impacts where we can. We plan to set new sustainability reporting requirements for our contracts, and over time introduce environmental targets that align with our sustainability strategy and vision. On many issues, from embodied carbon to materials selection we need to work collaboratively with our suppliers and industry partners to develop sector wide solutions and over the next 6-12 months we’ll find new ways of engaging our key suppliers, whether this is through roundtables or workshops.

We have pubulshed further guidance on our minimum expectations for contracts, and future ambitions in a new responsible procurement charter. If you have any questions about sustainable procurement you can email these to